Local foods in Da Lat The cuisine in here is the combination of many regions come from the middle of Vietnam such as: Nha Trang, Phu Yen, Quang Ngai, etc. As for the author, come to Da Lat you should get experience for all of local foods during the cold atmosphere are the best idea. Some local foods that he loves maybe you love also are: Banh Trang Nuong, BBQ, Grill sweet potato, Soy bean milk, Banh Can, Nem Nuong, etc. Landscapes Da Lat is a beautiful French village in the past and now it becomes ancient by many old French architecture. However, the tourism in there are very developing by young people in Saigon. The Saigonese often go there to avoid the hot burning. The landscapes and views here are very wonderful by many waterfalls, mountains and pine forests are thick and interminable. Itinerary Banh Can At 5:00 PM, the tour guide of us will take you at your hotel, we will take you through the street up and down to have some of best local dishes in the timeline. The first destination we chose are staying on a family-run restaurant to have Banh Can (Can Cake). This cake are very popular with local people and visitors. The recipes passed through generations with special sauce to dip for Banh Can. Seat on the mini chair at Vietnam and see the way they cook are very interesting. The local people here are very friendly, you can ask them for do it by yourself. Nem nuong After having Banh Can, we will move to Nem Nuong (Grilled pork), the pork pounded and mixed with local spice like pepper, onion, garlic, etc. This local dishes are very special to eat. Looking the tour guide and do follow them, how to wrap and
Local foods in Da Lat The cuisine in here is the combination of many regions come from the middle of Vietnam such as: Nha Trang, Phu Yen, Quang Ngai, etc. As for the author, come to Da Lat you should get experience for all of local foods during the cold atmosphere are the best idea.