Halong Bay listed among top 10 fishing spots around the world
Fishing on Halong Bay
According to the website, a night on Halong Bay will change the conception that the word ‘squid’ mightn’t conjure up the warm-and-fuzzies. where website advised tourists to spend a night fishing squid in Ha Long Bay. A night on Halong bay is a very special experience for tourists to see the beauty of the bay’s jade-green waters on moonless evenings and fishing for the slippery little cephalopods that go into the region’s best-known specialty: squid sausages.
With only a bamboo rod, a catch net and a lamp to attract the squid to the surface; So anyone can hook themselves an impressive 30-plus squid in just a couple of hours. The stillness of the bay dotted by the dreamy reflection of the lamps makes for a contemplative, romantic evening; Lonely Planet said.
Squid season in Ha Long begins in April and runs through until January: the biggest squid are caught between October and November.
Also on the list of top 10 fishing spots around the world are Kola Penninsula (Russia); Cairns (Australia); South America; Eg-Uur river (Mongolia); Amazon river (Brazil), Osstduinkerke (Belgium); Congo river basin; Brainerd (USA) and Rio Grande (Tierra del Fuego).